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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 03:06:04 +0000

Post From: Single click chart trader entry

[2022-03-10 15:56:19]
User585104 - Posts: 148

So I have studied this board and the SC documentation over the last month and I have pretty much everything sorted.

Maybe I have missed something but on my current platform I bought an additional indicator from an independent programmer which enables me to hold shift and click anywhere on the chart for a long, or hold Alt and click anywhere for a short executing my defined ATM (bracket order)

I know SC has a similar function if I add the chart DOM and extend it across, is there a way to set this up minus the DOM? I do not use the DOM at all and I don't want it on my screen. I trade a naked chart and the bars are the only thing I want to see on my screen.

Also the separate add chart trader/remove chart trader buttons that I can add to the toolbar, is there a method to enable a toggle button to hide/unhide the chart trader? If that would be more efficient?

Also I know I can set a button up to reset the charts scale and bring it back to the most current bar, is there a way to define a certain amount of bars to be displayed at this time. So when I click it there will be the most recent 150 bars on screen?

Also I have my current platform set so when I left click the scale and slide down the bars squash and if I slide up they stretch, when I enable that function on SC it does the opposite. Is there a way to invert that?

Thank you
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-10 15:58:11