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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 18:26:27 +0000

Post From: Delta Volume Profile POC only gives option for Ask-Bid

[2022-02-24 03:32:23]
User135370 - Posts: 162
On Volume by price study , I can change the calculation method to Ask-Bid difference and also ask the study highlight the POC by selecting Value Area and POC to not be based on volume.

I can then get the POC for ASK-BID but it completely ignores BID-ASK.

Am I missing something here, is there a way to get it to read both and return the most dominant or even better both? Please see the attached image which should be clear.

Basically Volume Bar Calculation only gives the option of ASK-BID and therefore ignores the readings for BID-ASK when returning the POC. If I am doing something wrong and there is a way to have both readings then please correct me
imageAsk - Bid.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-02-24 03:24:58 UTC - Size: 478.58 KB - 278 views