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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 22:23:02 +0000

Post From: Trouble with loading Rithmic Data In Sierra Charts

[2022-02-10 13:17:23]
User237768 - Posts: 5
Seems this issue is because I have downloaded too much Historical Data.

"Welcome to Leeloo Support. If you have gotten a notification along these lines and you trade on Ninjatrader (if you trade on other platform, please ask to your platform support for how to disable Record Live Data or Historical Data)...

Rithmic's history plant guardian has observed that your user id, LL017045, has requested historical market data resulting in 10054130089 bytes transmitted to your computers since Rithmic's systems most recent scheduled reboot. You are approaching your weekly allotment of historical market data. Once you exhaust your allotment of data for the week your access to historical market data will suspended for the remainder of the week. LL017045 has requested 20135476358 bytes of historical market data out of a limit of 20000000000. At this point our system has automatically suspended all Historical Market Data Privileges for this user for the remainder of the week. "

I have never had this issue before and I have used this account for a while so is there a setting in Sierra Charts that would be responsible for this "overuse" of data ? I thought Sierra saved all data to files instead of reloading everything.

Please help to figure out why this has happened and how this can be avaided going forward.