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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 19:26:36 +0000

Post From: Volume Profile Settings

[2022-02-09 14:55:11]
User757816 - Posts: 19
first of all, the first couple of hours I have start to use the software the impact was quite strange due to the old GUI, but after two days I appreciate a lot the powerful of the software. Slim, fully customisable, full of large number of tools. I am satisfied and I am actually taking in consideration to swithc from Multicharts to Sierra. Some points I have to solve if you can help me.
1) Picture 1. On the left I want a fixed and stady state VP for the last 36 days. I set the left VP as 36 Days back (One Period at End of Fixed Time Length) but as you can see the VP covers onlu 26 days (10 less). On the multiple VP I would 1 VP each 4D so I set Multiple Profiles Based On Fixed Time, Days, 4 but as you can see I have some time 4 days, some times 3 days some times 2 days (weekends?, how I can remow them form VP?)
2) Picture 2. Especially for large workspace, it is impossible to see the different color of each line. I tried to color the border of the VP bar but if I chose for ex green both Bid and Ask portion will be green. I want only the Ask is colored by green and the Bid in red, so in this way I can stress the color of the VP for large charts.

Suggestion: if it is possible to fix the stady VP on the left side of the chart and remain there when I zom and pan the chart, would be great.

Many thanks
Best regards
Claudio Donatone
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-09 15:08:49
imagePic.1.JPG / V - Attached On 2022-02-09 14:55:06 UTC - Size: 672.89 KB - 603 views
imagePic.2.JPG / V - Attached On 2022-02-09 15:08:46 UTC - Size: 15.73 KB - 286 views