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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 18:52:53 +0000

Post From: Adding Numbers Bar Study - Chartbook become unusable

[2022-02-08 14:33:51]
DFWBard - Posts: 2
New to Sierra charts (hello new friends!) but I'm trying to get a footprint setup going.
I've searched a bit and did not see any immediate articles supporting why this might happen (I apologize if I missed it).

But I've loaded up a binance btc usd perp chartbook, adding the numbers bars study, and that's about as far as I get before the chart just becomes unusable.
I've attached an image of what the chart looks like. Up until this point, the software runs fine, but after loading that one study the software lags so badly I can't do anything.

PC Specs:
- i9 9900k
- 32gb ddr5 ram
- RTX 3080

(update as I'm typing this) I've loaded it on a few other charts, and it seems to run "smoother" but still is extremely laggy. Is this just part of the software? Or am I doing something wrong to cause this?

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