Support Board
Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 16:38:23 +0000
[2022-02-05 19:07:15] |
User220914 - Posts: 239 |
Hello, I am writing this for a lot of reasons but primarily it is to help ALL users of Sierra Chart and people who are thinking about using SC and other who are 'NEW" to the amazing charting and trding platform that is Sierra Chart. I am slo writign it for myself because I want the Sierra Chart engineers time to be used to make the product better and saving them countless hours of dealing with questions that can easily be answered in the ONLINE USER MANUAL which has a great search feature. Let me start by saying SIERRA CHART is highly intuitive but you must take the time and it is not that much to work on just 1 chart and 1 dom and quote board for a few days to start to understand how the program is set up. Once you start learning and seeing how easy the program is to use on those CHART DOM and QUOTE board then you can expand to addign more charts and features. It is not that hard of a platform to use but you need to take the time to study how it works! and where all the setting are on the platform. 1. It becomes very redundant much like a computer once you learn how to use it. Open chart add symbol then go to all the chart settings and or study settings and tweak to your hearts desire. 2. Like all programs the more stuff you have open and the more calculations you run then the more resources the program will hog and this will slow down the program so use different instances! 3.Use the support board ONLY after you searched the ONLINE USER GUIDES!! I have personally wanted an answwer and posted on the support board to find that in the same amount of time I could have searched the user manual/guide and found my answer in the same amount of time! I am guilty of it too 4. there is a way to use the user guide and i will explain that right now. How to use the user guide in my opinion I have been there.. many times. I am working in Sierra Chart frustrated as all hell because it just won't do what i want and I swear I am following all of the USER MANUALS instructions!! but guess what i was not i skipped 1 very small step and that made all the difference. it fixedmy problem . so the way to use the USER MANUAL is to google what you want with (+sierra chart) or search right here in the platform for what you need. Once you found what you need then this is what i recommend and it helped me a lot. The more you use the user guide and sierra chart the better you will get at utilizing and using sierra charts features to help you be successful. Just getting an answer does not let you understand and learn how it works! you are not disciplined and you are short cutting the process. Anyway, once you found what you are looking for in Sierra Chart on the USER MANUAL you then very very systematically and SLOWLY go LINE BY LINE like a pilot doing a pre check and follwo every single instruction and do it slowly. 9 times out of ten you will find that YOU are the one making the ERROR. many times over the years i thought i had an AHA i caught sierra chart not working proprely and time and time again. it was just me not following INSTRUCTIONS in the user manual. Yes some of the stuff is clunky and redundant but that is what CUSTOMIZATION requires. there is no way to think in your mind. ok i want a 5 minute chart overlayed on top a 1 minute charts volume and average the price of gold and oil while having an indicator at the bottom of my chart showng the correlations of them all and just having that happen on your screen!! i wish there was but there is not! YOU just like me will need to do the same 10 steps in a row for all of your symbols while thinking and remembering what you are trying to do in the 1st place. It sound like a lot of work and it is time consuming but if its too much work then maybe your idea is not worth it in the 1st place. put in the work and you will be rewarded. I will end this rant with the FACT that once i started using SIERRA CHART after using Esignal and many other for years it (sierra chart) got my mind to open up and got me to really start thinking outside of the box about the markets about indicators about trading etc. It literally improved my trading as I learned how to use the platform because I was always thinking hmm. what if i did this or that and then putting it all together with the markets etc. I am not saying it is a holy grail or anything because there is not one but in this day and age if something get you thinking creatively and analytically about the markets or anything really then i believe that is a great thing. Good luck with your pursuits of incredible chartbooks and I hope all your trades are winners just not when on the other side of my own!! Have a great day. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-05 19:11:08