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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 16:14:32 +0000

Post From: Convenience vs mkt segment gtwy

[2022-02-03 19:26:47]
User220914 - Posts: 239
Thank you. I have absolutely ZERO REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE with the market segment gateways directly and was only going off of network architecture.

I am not pushing or vying for you to offer direct to the market segment gateway.

The largest bottleneck that I have found for retail trading platforms is not in the gateways or even in the order but in the RISK CHECKS.
If you can find a faster smarter way to do risk checks over and over than YOU WILL have all competition beat because large traders and trading entities get to

go figure right.

thank you for your response and I think i speak for most of your happy users and clients.. THANK YOU!!