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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 18:55:38 +0000

Post From: NQTV feed's volume significantly lower than expected

[2022-02-01 20:04:57]
frozentundra - Posts: 94
When we did a check previously, we noticed higher volume for NASDAQ stocks, but this was just simply a check at the market open, for one or two symbols.

We will look into this issue further. We are going to make one change and we want to see how it is tomorrow.

Sounds good, thank you.
Additional things I've noticed while playing around with NQTV:

The volume data is coming in with a volume multiplier of `0.1` on NQTV feed.
The original equities feed had a volume multiplier of `1`.

In other words, the Nasdaq's volume data is representative of one tenth of the volume that is being reported.
Thus 100 shares would look like `10`. 1,000 shares would look like `100`, etc...

I look forward to any updates you have on this and please let us know if we can assist with testing!