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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:45:28 +0000

Post From: Bid Ask Volume ratio study

[2022-01-29 11:34:38]
User39772 - Posts: 311

I sum up:

Chart Settings -> Symbol: AAPL
Chart Settings -> Trade and Current Quote Symbol: empty
Trade Position Window -> Symbol: AAPL-STK-SMART-USD

If I change it as follows:

Chart Settings -> Symbol: AAPL
Chart Settings -> Trade and Current Quote Symbol: AAPL-STK-SMART-USD
Trade Position Window -> Symbol: AAPL-STK-SMART-USD

It works fine, I see positions and can enter lmt orders in the chart.


Every time I change the stock symbol e.g. via the quote board,
I have to do change the settings in Trade Position Window manually,
otherwise the wrong symbol is transmitted to TWS.


Isn't there a way to ensure this without user interaction, e.g. with an
correspondence table used to assign the correct TWS nomenclature that is
accessible to the user also, so that he could make changes by himself ?
Maybe Symbol Settings could be used for that !?

Isn't it possible to
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-29 11:37:51