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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:29:00 +0000

Post From: horizontal scroll in installed studies of thstudy paneh missing

[2022-01-19 03:56:40]
User427561 - Posts: 217
I can assure you there are more studies in the 1mt chart to warrant the appearance of the vertical scroll bar.
My study panel for the 1 mt chart has 17 lines per full window. and one study in that first window has an ID of 57 indicating there are at least 57 studies in the 1 mt chart. My guess I should have from 50 to 75 studies in the 1 mt chart, more than enough to warrant the vertcal scr0ll bar to appear,and maybe scr0lling 2-3 screens over as a minimum. Again, if you care to see it my phone # is 904 272-3407.