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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:57:56 +0000

Post From: horizontal scroll in installed studies of thstudy paneh missing

[2022-01-18 17:45:00]
User427561 - Posts: 217
working on changinb to Teton. meanwhile ccan you please answer my question?. what is wrong with it ? I do my best explaning my question even if it is longer than you like.The study window has two panels the left shows the availBLE STUDIES AND THE RIGHT SHOWS THE SELECED STUDIES APPLIED TO THE ChARTS, THE right PANEL IS the one having the problem. in that the scroll bar at its ottom is available to scoll the list above horizontally. there is no right vertcal column to scroll the list vertically. MY question is how to get that vetical column to be able to scoll the list vertically?
As to your reply:"There is no support to the scroll bar" there was one eversince I used the charts. and as mentioned there is one verticl bar in my 5 mt chart to be able tp scoll the list verticall
Please call me at 904 272 3407 to show you what I am talking about. thank you
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-18 18:02:35