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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 03:24:26 +0000
Post From: ACSIL - How to use sc object in header file?
[2022-01-14 12:18:32] |
User310645 - Posts: 49 |
Each time Sierra calls into your study you get a new SCStudyInterfaceRef so no you cannot store it between calls. If your objects are created and destroyed on each call then yes you could pass the sc ref in a constructor to any class you define in a header file. Header file class SomeFuncClass { public: SomeFuncClass(SCStudyInterfaceRef r) : sc(r); DoSomethingWithScRef() { sc.Something(); } private: SCStudyInterfaceRef sc; } Normal study .cpp file SCSFExport scsf_StudyEntryPoint(SCInterfaceStudyRef sc) { /* usual study setup/init */ SomeFuncClass myObj(sc); myObj.DoSomethingWithScRef(); } If you have objects you want to persist across study entry calls then you would have to use sc.Get/SetPersistentPointer(). However, you would still need to update any stored study ref on each call into the your study. |