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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:20:03 +0000

Post From: Order stuck in

[2022-01-11 23:17:45]
Herloa2021 - Posts: 3
My sierra chart shows 2 open orders pending, and I have tried to cancel them multiple times.

The orders show in cancel state until Sierra is restarted. When I close and reopen sierra, the orders show up again with status pending child-client. I reached out to AMP and they fortunately don't have any open orders in the queue for my account.

My sierra chart started reporting the following communication errors:

CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Caught an unhandled exception from the owner OnBufferedSocketReceivedData in c_BufferedSocket2::OnReceivedDataFromCore | 2022-01-11 17:46:42.808 *
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Caught an unhandled exception from the owner OnBufferedSocketReceivedData in c_BufferedSocket2::OnReceivedDataFromCore | 2022-01-11 17:46:42.818 *
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Caught an unhandled exception from the owner OnBufferedSocketReceivedData in c_BufferedSocket2::OnReceivedDataFromCore | 2022-01-11 17:46:42.818 *

I wonder if that exception in the socket is causing the failures.

Thanks for your help and time