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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:13:37 +0000
Post From: create a custom C++ class that manages trade/logic
[2022-01-09 02:57:07] |
User133994 - Posts: 80 |
Can I do this now: struct some_struct
{ some_struct() = default; some_struct(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) void some_func(const SCDateTimeMS& when); void record_ID(int a){ Target2OrderIDstop = a;}; void example_using_sc_inside(){sc.SupportTradingScaleIn = true;}; private: std::unordered_map<SCDateTimeMS, s_SCTradeOrder> something; int Target2OrderIDstop; } const std::int32_t some_struct_pkey = 1; SCSFExport scsf_some_study(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { some_struct* ss = reinterpret_cast<some_struct*>(sc.GetPersistentPointer(some_struct_pkey)); if (ss == nullptr) sc.SetPersistentPointer(some_struct_pkey, new some_struct(sc)); if (sc.SetDefaults) { // Do something... } //sent order in... // now record attached order id ss->record_ID(12356173); ss->example_using_sc_inside(); // Do something... if(sc.LastCallToFunction) delete ss; } So, is the syntax for my record_ID function correct? Can I safely assume that the value of Target2OrderIDstop persists across calls to the study? Therefore, it appears I don't need to use sc.GetPersistentInt(11) anymore--since the class (struct) is persistent, right? What about the example_using_sc_inside() function--just trying to use the "sc" object that was passed via the constructor--is that correct? Or do I need to add a member to the struct that gets assigned the sc, object? (please reply with example code if possible) Again, many thanks! |