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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:21:55 +0000

Post From: attached stops

[2022-01-07 22:44:08]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
The only reason i am bring this up is because i was using Jigsaw before.
Two features that they have that i used were clicking on a price column to create a limit order without the attached order without having to uncheck attach order box.
You could send a buy/sell order with stop order and then place the limit order wherever you wanted without another attached order.
With SC you can achieve this but you either have to uncheck the attached orders or Send Attached Order. Both of which are fine but practically involve potentially serve additional steps. I try not to place a stop order at all but like to be able to do that as a safety or catastrophic stop.
I also wanted to mention for completeness the only other feature that is nice with Jigsaw is that you move the target and stop orders more easily by simply clicking on the price ladder price above or below the order with a single click as opposed to using Move stop order function.
I am quite happy with SC Trade DOM. I think it allows for more flexibility and configuration than Jigsaw but wanted to make you aware of where i was coming from in case you might consider making some of these modification.
As always. Thank you for your great help.
Have a good weekend