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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 21:41:05 +0000

Post From: sc.IsNewTradingDay( anyBarIdx ) rewrites sc.BaseDateTimeIn[anyBarIdx] to SessionStartTime

[2021-12-28 19:00:56]
1+1=10 - Posts: 270
Hi SC Support,

I'm a huge fan of SC. I've been a user for a countless number of years and have implemented countless custom studies. I've even recently switched to using your fantastic DTC protocol w/ SC as the server for quicker execution.

Anyway, I believe one of the recent SC updates -- I'm on Version 2339 -- is causing calls to 'sc.IsNewTradingDay( anyBarIdx )' to rewrite anyBarIdx's sc.BaseDateTimeIn[ anyBarIdx ].

Perhaps this is associated with 2337's changelog statement: "Corrected an issue from a recent release where .5 second of data was being filtered out from the chart bar which would end at the Session End Time."

Let me know if I can send any more information that would help?
