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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 21:35:30 +0000

Post From: Options Spreads

[2021-12-28 18:12:18]
Tony - Posts: 550
1, I think what option data you can get is determined by your data provider, not Sierra:
Real-Time Exchange Data Feeds Available From Sierra Chart: Futures Options

2, I don't think Sierra will have any plan to support features like Option Chain, Analyze Tab or Greeks.
stupid question but, how do i open an option chain?
Option Chain

3, I have traded stocks and futures option for a few years and firmly believe options are terrible instruments for retail traders, low liquidity, wide bid-ask spread among other downsides, I thought trading option would save my time and effort to study underlying's price action, which can not be further from the truth, after all, whether I make or lose money on options is really at mercy of underlying's price action, imo. That was how I started to trade Futures.