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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 18:21:12 +0000

Post From: Trading Levels Study issue

[2021-12-20 16:28:34]
BenjaminR - Posts: 172
"Do the first three Study Subgraphs have a Draw Style of Ignore?" ~ No... not initially; however, when I recalculate the chart to pull in the levels, they reset to ignore.

"What is the date you are using for the trading levels? And what are the session times of the chart" ~ Last night, I was using 12/19/21, with end date of 12/21/21 & expiration date of 12/21/21 as well. The session times on the 2 charts I tried to put the levels on are 9:30 EST to 16:29:59, using the evening session as well, 16:30 to 9:29:59, & on the 2nd chart 9:30 EST to 16:15:00, using the evening session as well, 16:30 to 9:29:59.

"Are you using this study?" ~ Yes.