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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:08:32 +0000

Post From: OEC - no historical data; futures currencies - no realtime data

[2014-03-20 20:42:17]
NRGTrader - Posts: 351
3. OK, well then I'm going to use one of your terse replies back at you. I spent all day yesterday converting all my data to the new format, all my chart drawings to the new format, etc. This literally took hours as there are hundreds. Now I've spent all day today TRYING to get back to where I was yesterday morning. All-in-all, 4 wasted days considering the fact that the charts were unusable Monday-today.

to paraphrase your reply to me of "Use this EXACT command. We have enough trouble, with all of these external service problems. Users need to follow our exact instructions."

You need to read and comprehend before replying with an implicit exact, "you will be fine". I (we) have enough issues without being misled by support. :P I mean this seriously but also with a bit of snark :)