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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:11:04 +0000

Post From: 5mt mcd stopped printon

[2021-12-11 21:00:43]
User427561 - Posts: 217
Over the weekend, Saturday morning, I decided to sitdown and seriously study my charts and alert manager
I found out that may aalert maanager was showing many errors in my 1mt and 5 mt charts.
I sudtdied thesea alerts one BY one and found out that these alerts were based on indiators that I had deleted previouly (insdvertentlt disregating)the efect these had on other studies dependent on these indicators I had deleted.
This action reduced the number of alerts I had in my alert manager significantly.
Subsequently I deleted oher erors dependent on the sudies I Had deleted.
and so on in the one minute and 5 minute panels until my alert maneger showed no more errors in my one and five minutes panels. and I was able to print the macd in my 5 minute panel that originated all this issue.
I would like therefore to apologise for all the trouble and aggravation that my original post my have raised.
My only reseration to the above,as I mentioned , all this is happening Saturday norning with no data feed.
I will recheck Sunday evening and report again when the data feed resumes,
Oncw aain I would like to apologise for your trouble and inconveniece and help and would like to thank you again for your hep on this matter,prematurely,and hoping it would be the same when the data feed resumes.