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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 06:17:25 +0000

Post From: high-frequency trading, Chart update interval, and ACSIL trading system

[2021-12-04 15:28:09]
Infinite - Posts: 134
I am in Oklahoma. Round trip ping to my Chicago order server is 36ms average(In Chicago that would be 6ms or less). So 18ms after an order is sent it gets there(depending on order type and Depth of Market)

SC is the fastest I have seen if used correctly. There is a CUE of trades at the exchange(CME FUTURES) the sooner you get in the sooner you get filled. Moving orders around puts you at the bottom of the CUE of trades. HFT is never done manually, all are fast programs that have ZERO emotion, etc.