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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:10:46 +0000

Post From: VbP-VWAP and Study subgraph Standard Deviations - not STD lines display

[2021-12-01 16:07:15]
User153286 - Posts: 50
I have the VbP Visible Bars and Subgraph Stand Deviation studies on a chart

I am looking to draw Bollinger band like lines based on the VbP VWAP line

I setup the Subgraph Deviation study using the input criteria:

based on = VbP
chart region = 1

input = volume weighted average price
STD length 1
STD multiplier 2

It draws some funcky looking lines, not what I expected, not Bollinger band like lines around the VpB VWAP

I also tried the Study subgraph Add, but that squishes the display, seems line the output draw coordinates are added to a 0 value instead of the VWAP value.

Any suggestions how to accomplish this?