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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:35:33 +0000

Post From: LMAX latency question

[2021-11-26 09:20:54]
User644165 - Posts: 25
Hi All,

I have a VPS by UltraFX at Equinix. As far as I know you are using the same provider. I have a latency sensitive strategy using LMAX datafeed.
The data flows like this: LMAX Excahnge->SierraChart->DTC protocol->My application->external applications. Originally I wanted to get connected to LMAX directly using FIX but DTC protocol is really awesome and had worked really well in the past and I am willing to sacrifice few milliseconds to save some time.

Unfortunately I don't know how the data flows to your server. In theory I should be able to reach your server in 0-5ms and this should apply to LMAX as well.
Could you give me an rough estimate of how much latency do I loose this case compared to FIX?