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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 18:15:09 +0000
Post From: How does Sierra handle futures positions resulting from option assignment process?
[2021-11-04 12:19:41] |
MatZer0 - Posts: 36 |
Hi, I'd like to start trading options but I'm not sure how Sierra will handle the following situation: Let's say I went short weekly ES futures call option at strike 4630C that expired ITM Those options are auto-exercised when ITM and physically deliverable, so I assume I'd be awarded with short ES futures position from 4630 level. Is that correct? How this position will become visible in Sierra? It will happen automatically or do I need to perform some additional steps? Additionally what will happen if I manually hedged my short call by going long ES futures from some lower level? Let's say before expiration I went long ES futures at 4625. At the expiration I was long underlying and short option. Do I assume correctly that my 4625 long will be matched with short 4630 and position will be auto-closed for a +5 pt profit? Is it automatic process or do I need confirm something in platform? If not, what will Sierra show otherwise? Thanks |