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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:48:49 +0000

Post From: Paid telephone support

[2021-11-02 16:48:02]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38326
The first issue you are having is that your exchange selection for the Denali Exchange Data Feed did not renew on November 1, 2021 due to insufficient funds in your account.

In order to reactivate the exchange, go to the Recurring Services page and scroll to the bottom where you will see the exchange that you had active previously. Select the button for Reactivate Exchange to reactivate it. You can access this page at the following link (you may have to login to the Sierra Chart website if you have not already been logged in):

Once you have done that, then you will be getting the Denali Exchange Data Feed again.

Then go to your charts that have missing data and follow the instructions at the following link to redownload the data starting from a point where things were good:
Historical Intraday Data (Missing Data / Download Errors / Viewing More Data): Retrying the Download When There is Data in the Chart

If this does not resolve your problem then let us know.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing