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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:58:12 +0000
Post From: Sierra Chart: MNQ gets no data feed
[2021-10-21 06:07:54] |
User122704 - Posts: 14 |
Thank you for your reply. Every time I open up SC on both my MAIN Instance and SEcond Instance I have problems with the MNQ charts streaming live data. The chart opens but is frozen at last price from the time it was last closed. Upon opening Main Instance on the MNQZ1.CME CHART I keep getting a Yello Error box that says "Symbol is unknown. Click for symbol information. Permission denied." I also get a Red Error Box that reads "Download Failed. Error Downloading historical intraday data for MNQZ1.cme. permission denied" In order to get the MNQ data to live stream I have to goto FILE--> FIND SYMBLOL --> SELECT MNQZ1.CME --> OPEN INTRADAY CHART then I have to --> DISCONNECT then RECONNECT TO DATA FEE. Once I do all that in order then I can have a live streaming MNQ chart on both my Main Instance and my Second Instance I have open. Please advise what I can do to solve this. Here is the Message Log from these steps above: (Message log removed) Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-21 07:39:30