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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:02:43 +0000

Post From: Trades Tab - Profit/Loss based on Globex open

[2021-10-19 03:04:01]
DayTraderEsad - Posts: 121
Is there any way where I can manipulate the order fills (exits) to show/mimic what my broker Dorman has in their statement. When I run a performance to see what I made each day, it does not match what Dorman has. Since the cut off is at at the close for current day, and then the next day starts at Globex open for the broker daily statements. Sierra performance data shows it based of a normal calendar. Which considers it the same day till midnight. I'm just asking if the days start time can be started at Globex open instead of midnight. I hope that makes sense