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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 09:54:35 +0000

Post From: Continuing messages

[2021-10-11 13:29:03]
User213504 - Posts: 79
These messages appear every time I start Sierra.
Here are the complete messages from the broweser:

TransAct Connection Type is *Live*. Change in 'File >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Service Settings >> Connection Type'.
This message is telling me to change the connection. It is live.

This message is talking about Denali Eurex which I don't have.
- 2021-08-09 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective July 1, 2021, the new highest quality EUREX EOBI real-time and historical data which is part of the Denali Exchange Data Feed is recommended to be used for all Sierra Chart users requiring real-time EUREX data in Sierra Chart. This is the very best EUREX data feed which is not offered anywhere else.

It is a requirement to at the very least be on Sierra Chart Service Package 10, 11 or 12 which includes the Denali Data Feed, however there is not a requirement to pay for the EUREX exchange fee if you will be obtaining EUREX data from another source. You can still obtain EUREX data from external sources, although it is not recommended. If you do not pay for the EUREX exchange fee through Sierra Chart, then all EUREX real-time data will come from the other source, not from Sierra Chart.

To use this new EUREX data feed, refer to the Denali Exchange Data Feed EUREX setup instructions. In this case if you are paying for EUREX data through your broker you will want to *cancel* that data from them, before July 1, 2021.

- Sierra Chart now has a new high-quality, low latency, extended/full order book with MBO, EUREX data feed from Frankfurt which is part of the Denali Exchange Data Feed. For the technical details of this data feed, refer to EUREX Technical Information.

To use this data feed, refer to the Denali Exchange Data Feed EUREX setup instructions.