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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 01:59:26 +0000

Post From: sc.TradeWindowOrderQuantity

[2021-10-08 16:33:51]
User139950 - Posts: 4
What does it need to get data from sc.TradeWindowOrderQuantity function? For me, it returns 1 continuously. No mather if there is an order or not.

const int positionSize = static_cast<int>(sc.TradeWindowOrderQuantity);
SCString msg;
msg.Format("TradeWindowOrderQuantity: %d", positionSize);
sc.AddMessageToLog(msg, 0);

It also doesnt work by casting to double or float like in the scsf_TradeQuantityGraph(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) example. I tried with and without autolooping. Also the example doesnt work when I compile it by myself.