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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 19:37:22 +0000

Post From: payment

[2021-10-07 17:57:27]
User913831 - Posts: 37

I do recall, I made a payment of 220.8 in order to have the denali package service 11 for 6 moths at 20% discount.
As it did not activate by itself on the day, I activate/desactivate a month fee in order to initiate its renewal (so I thought)
I have made this mistake but at the time i did not see any other option and needed to access the market. As you could easily monotor no trade has been booked and only the micro ES has been monitor during the RTH much on its open.

Could you do a gesture for me there as this account is a micro account and deduce this 1 months from the 6 mmonths package originally attended.

I will appreciated
