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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:08:25 +0000

Post From: About Denali feed and meeting CME market data non-professional requirement

[2021-10-01 14:46:04]
User727860 - Posts: 3
I had a 1-year subscription which expired last month and I am considering to renew the subcription but I have a few questions.

I've read the documentation in the Easy Solution to CME Funded Trading Account Requirement thoroughly but it seems that the requirement about setting up an account with AMP to meet the CME market data non-professional requirement has changed slightly and so I'm still a bit confused. When using the Denali feed, one way to meet the CME market data non-professional requirement and pay the lower priced non-professional exchange fees is to have a funded futures trading account with a trading platform that SC supports and I've to connect to the trading account once a month and for the rest of the month I can just set the Data/Trade Service Settings back to SC Data - All Services. This part is clear. However, I want to make sure that I understand the info provided in your Easy Solution to CME Funded Trading Account Requirement page clearly.

1. According to your info, if I use the Denali data feed and open an account at AMP with $100-$200, then it's adequate to meet the CME requirement and as well I don't have to connect to the AMP trading account once a month since SC is still able to verify that I have a funded futures trading account and it saves some hassles of having to connect to the trading service once a month and I can just set the Data/Trade Service Settings to SC Data - All Services at all times. But I think something changed since early or mid 2021 and is it true that this method won't work anymore and instead, after opening an account at AMP and if I don't necessarily trade using AMP, is it still a must that they also have to set up the CQG routing service for me and give me a CQG user name and password to enter into SC, and then I also need to set Data/Trade Service Settings to CQG WebAPI?

2. If AMP must set up the CQG routing for me, to meet the CME funded trading account requirement, do I need to set Data/Trade Service Settings to CQG WebAPI at all times, or at least connect to it once a month? Or can I still set Data/Trade Service Settings to SC Data - All Services at all times without the need to worry about remembering to connect to AMP or CQG at least once a month?