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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:48:58 +0000

Post From: market depth-level2 problem

[2021-09-28 12:44:04]
User278398 - Posts: 291
it worked!!!
for the next charts exchange:

i have some questions about what i got:

1. i got 2 different level 2 for nio (one from arca and one from nyse )
*pic attached.
there is a way to see all the data in one market depth window ?
i tried to open chart which include all but i didnt get there market depth
(i tried: NIO-STK-SMART/NYSE-USD and it didnt worked.... i allso tryied as i see in your NIO-STK-SMART[NYSE-USD (when i done it, it opend again NIO-STK-SMART/NYSE-USD (with out the "[" symbol)
2. i get only 100 rows for level 2
* u can see allso in the pic i attached
there is a way to see all the data of market depth (more then 100 rows) ? ( in interactive broker program i see much much more )
3. there is a way to put another column in market depth window which show me the exchange name ?

many thanks.
imagelevel2 data- 1.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-09-28 12:43:56 UTC - Size: 348.99 KB - 190 views