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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:32:19 +0000
Post From: Calculator/Crosshair Integration
[2021-09-26 17:52:13] |
HumblyTrading - Posts: 192 |
Hello, In case anyone is following this thread, this feature works very well. There are a few important settings in Global Tool Settings that are important to get it working right, for those like me, that are just starting out in the SC world... Settings that helped: - Assign a convenient hotkey to the calculator tool. I use "c". Assign that to your mouse or center click, as you prefer. - Set the default tool configuration you want as TC1 in the Properties of the tool. Settings in Global Tool Settings - Set "After Single Tool Use Change To" (Hand or Pointer) - this way, after dragging the calculator line and clicking away, it doesn't keep repeating the tool, unless you want it to. - Turn off "Support Drag for Drop Modification" - When this is turned on, you have to hold the mouse button down and drag the line. The problem is that when you release the button with this mode activated, the line becomes a permanent calc drawing object, when what we are after here is a quick measurement that does not leave the line calculation on the chart. - Turn on "Enable Delete Selected Drawing with Right Click" - Set "rick Click Exits Current Drawing Tool to" (Hand or Pointer) - Turn on "Keep Chart Drawing Selected After Modification" if you want to be able to use hotkeys to change the configuration, described below. How this Functions in Usage: - You hit the hotkey ("c" in my case), which activates the calculator tool - You left click on the origin of what you want to measure - you move the mouse around and measure stuff - you right click and the line will disappear, as is common in almost every other platform. However, if you left-click, it will leave the measurement there, which gives you a convenient way to choose either way. If you change your mind, you can select it and delete with a right click, thanks to the settings up above. - If you right clicked, the tool is still active. So you can quickly measure however many things you are looking at. Then, simply right click again, and the tool will deactivate and go to the pointer or hand, or whatever you selected in the settings. I find this to be very powerful compared to any other pip/tick measurement tool in other platforms. I assigned "C" to a button on my mouse, and I can measure things in lightning speed, deciding to leave the measurement there or delete it faster than I can think about it. Those familiar with SC will already know that you can Configure 24 settings for each tool. Then, you can assign hotkeys to each of those. I have it set to be different colors and line styles, as well as different amounts of data... After leaving a calc line on the chart by left-clicking at the destination, I can then hit the hotkeys for the given style I want... No other platform has this that I'm aware of, and it is available across all drawing tools! Very nice for those of us who love customizing everything on our charts and using hotkeys to do it! Mike T Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-09-26 17:55:10