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Date/Time: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 04:23:37 +0000

Post From: Can I lock a chart in Sierra?

[2021-09-24 17:59:12]
User275839 - Posts: 61
Hi -

I have am using multiple instances of Sierra on multiple monitors, and I often use the keyboard to change chart bar period/type. However, because my instances are on separate monitors, I sometimes inadvertently change the chart settings on the wrong chart/instance. :(

For example, Sierra instance #2 on monitor B will be the active application window, but I'll be looking at a chart in Sierra instance #1 on monitor A. I'll want to change the bar period on the instance #1 chart, but will end up messing up instance #2 because that was the active app.

Is there a way to "lock" charts that I don't accidently mess them up?