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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 05:26:30 +0000

Post From: Stop loss quantity incorrectly updating with scale out

[2021-09-13 17:00:43]
User422433 - Posts: 18
I am using the trade configuration that I've attached below. After entering a long position with market buy I have a long position of quantity 4 with targets and stops. I then change the order quantity to 1 and do a market sell. This correctly removes one of my limit target orders, but changes my total stop loss quantity to 2 instead of 3. I have found that if I change Scale Out to Nearest Orders, the stop loss quantity will correctly adjust to 3 but only for short positions, long positions will still change to 2.

I would like to be able to enter a position with targets and stops, but then reduce my position manually with a market order using a shortcut if I don't think price will reach my target. I would like the stop loss quantity to be adjusted appropriately as well as my remaining target limit orders.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
attachment10-20-2-5-BEStop.twconfig - Attached On 2021-09-13 16:44:55 UTC - Size: 4.86 KB - 328 views