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Date/Time: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 03:54:18 +0000
Post From: Scroll Multiplier Not Working for Sierra Chart
[2021-09-08 13:07:28] |
Dean Roberts - Posts: 79 |
Thinking about it some more... I think Sierra is working fine... I can see the green box with the Pixel count is correct. My multiplier doesn't work but I think if I try to put a multiplier of 20 into it on a 5 minute chart it will put 20 pixels in between each candle and it will mean the chart reaches off the edge. Example; ASUS 1920 x 1080 monitor Chart 1 minute HL Bars. bars are set to '1' wide in graphics - which I presume is 1 pixel. OE in green showing at bottom right is '0'pixels... so crammed together as much as possible. I can see about 24 full hours of time. If I scroll/key/drag to adjust the Pixel count between bars to 1 - I now only see 12 hours... 2 pixel count between HL bars and I see 8 hours. Basic maths as the total pixel count of the chart is 1 HL bar and 2 pixels. That is inherently challenging for the charts users as it negates any more subtle movements of the spacing contraction and expansion... you can't slowly drag the chart... It steps up dramatically each time. SO... IS THERE ANOTHER SOLUTION; Is there a way of setting the spacing of the candles other than by a single pixel at a time? I'm presuming it can't be 0.1, 0.5 of a pixel etc.? But could it be a pixel every 2 candles, then one between every three etc... so there are increments leading up to 1 pixel added in between EVERY candle? Please forgive me if the below attempt at a diagram is teaching granny to suck chicken balls but... If a full stop represents pixel space and a | (horizontal line) is a candle... Currently... Zero pixel spaces between candles - ||||| We add a pixel space in between candles... and it doubles in size... this is currently the lowest incremental step. |.|.|.|.| Change it to 2 pixels spacing - |..|..|..|..| The impact is less the more pixels/spaces you add but that first step is a doozy! BUT.. could it start with 1 pixel added every 5 candles and then reach to 1 added every candle so that it would look more incremental like this for 10 candles - Below is for 1 every 5 candles, then 1 every 4 candles, every 3, 2, then 1 pixel added between every candle. |||||.||||| ||||.||||.|| |||.|||.|||.| ||.||.||.||.|| |.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| It may look a bit rubbish on the charts but I have my HL Bars set to a width of 3 so it may partially account for that... And when I am really squashing everything together I am actually trying to look further back at levels... so I don't really care is they are covering each other up... I zoom out then quickly zoom back in to set my trade up. I hope all that makes sense... I think I've made something straight forward sound more complex than it is.... but I ain't no programmer like you guys. Much appreciated Cad |