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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:16:36 +0000

Post From: Automatically Plot Percentage Change from a Horizontal Line

[2021-08-23 18:28:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38280
There are a lot of ways to do this, mostly depending on what you are most comfortable with.

Personally, I like to use the Spreadsheet Formula. You would need to copies of the study. In one of them you would enter the following for the formula for the upper band:
=UDID[x].A1 * 1.01

Where the 'x' within the brackets is the ID of the drawing that you want to reference. Refer to the following:
Study/Chart Alerts And Scanning: Reference by Anchor

You could then use the Study Subgraphs Reference to create a filled area between the lines (if you want that).

Another option would be to use the Spreadsheet Formula to establish a Subgraph that can be used with the Bands/Envelope study by just entering for the formula:
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