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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:56:17 +0000

Post From: Question about DRAWSTYLE_CUSTOM_VALUE_AT_Y subgraph

[2021-08-19 17:23:08]
User275839 - Posts: 61
Hi -

I am working on a custom study that plots a DRAWSTYLE_CUSTOM_VALUE_AT_Y subgraph element on top of a separate DRAWSTYLE_SQUARE subgraph element. I looks like the attached image.

I would like the background of the DRAWSTYLE_CUSTOM_VALUE_AT_Y subgraph element (numeric value) to be the same color as the DRAWSTYLE_SQUARE subgraph element.

However, whenever I modify the SecondaryColor value of the DRAWSTYLE_CUSTOM_VALUE_AT_Y subgraph, it changes the background color on ALL the previously rendered elements as well.

How can I modify the background color of the DRAWSTYLE_CUSTOM_VALUE_AT_Y subgraph elements for each bar, and have the color stick?

Thanks for any guidance on this!
imageDRAWSTYLE_CUSTOM_VALUE_AT_Y.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-08-19 17:22:17 UTC - Size: 42.12 KB - 164 views