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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 04:42:20 +0000

Post From: DTC server: Market data requests from remote computer not allowed

[2021-07-26 20:46:14]
homestar - Posts: 21
I am connecting to Sierra Chart from a WSL2 instance running on the same local computer, and I have run into this issue.

Normally an incoming DTC connection from the same computer ( looks like this in the message log:

DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from | 2021-07-26 20:01:15.072

However, due to an issue with WSL2 (https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/5211), I cannot connect to, and am connecting to the local computer's actual IPv4 address instead. This shows up in the message log as follows:

DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from <MY_IP_ADDRESS>. | 2021-07-26 20:21:29.853

where <MY_IP_ADDRESS> is the actual IPv4 address of the local computer.

To be clear, the connection is all on one computer -- it is going from WSL2 (on the local computer) to Sierra Chart (on the local computer).
Is there any way to work around the "Market data requests from remote computer not allowed" rejection? Perhaps Sierra Chart could check if the incoming connection IP is the same as the local computer's IP?
For the time being, I have set the "DTC Protocol server >> Allowed Incoming IPs" setting to "Local Subnet Only", so that I can avoid "DTC Protocol server | Rejecting connection from <MY_IP_ADDRESS>...".