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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:39:07 +0000

Post From: trading from sierra chart using sc data feed and ibkr account

[2021-06-30 19:44:45]
szdaniel1994 - Posts: 18
Dear Support,
I would like to trade using sierra chart trade window with SC data live feed with using an IBKR (TWS) account. I followed the steps listed here:
Interactive Brokers Trading Service: Setup Instructions , but when swiching the current selected service to Interactive Brokers [trading] I've lost live data connection. Should I use 2 sierra instances one with current selected service SC data and one with current selected service Interactive Brokers [trading] to be able to trade from sierra chart and having live data as well?
Could you please advice what is the optimal solution for this problem?
