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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:12:07 +0000

Post From: Numbers Bars Calculated Values

[2021-06-30 14:01:44]
User158665 - Posts: 44
Hi, is it possible to give the code for Numbers Bars Calculated Values 1 or 2? I cant find in any Studies.cpp

If not, is it possible to add a calculation of how much is side (bid/ask) is stronger than the other.

Today we have in Numbers Bars Calculated Values ASK/BID Volume Percent, but we dont have how much more one compared to the other.

That would be (AskV % / BidV %)-1. (BidV % / AskV %)-1.

Is there a way to plot this calculation on the chart like your numbers Bars Calculated Values?