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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 09:00:20 +0000

Post From: Market Depth Data Recalculate

[2021-06-23 14:29:22]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38222
We are not really understanding the particular issue you are trying to convey. If you make a change to something on the Spreadsheet it is going to redo the calculations for all the bars and redisplay that information.

The only thing we can think that you may be referencing is that you may have had older information displayed while new bars were added, but then when the system recalculates the entire spreadsheet, those older data are removed and only the data that matches the number of rows in the Spreadsheet are displayed. This is correct and proper operation. The older data is only there since there has not been any call to redraw that data, therefore it is still present until there is a need to redraw it.

If the above is your issue, then the resolution is to increase the number of rows for the data in the Spreadsheet. Refer to the following:
Spreadsheet Study Inputs: Number of Rows
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