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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 09:01:10 +0000

Post From: Server-side brackets and OCO

[2021-06-21 03:08:50]
Mercantile_Man - Posts: 17
This is my basic understanding of how it works with SC's Order Routing Service. Am I correct?


1. I set a 'buy' bracket order at a price level several ticks away from where price is currently trading.

2. The bracket order is sent to SC's server, where it waits.

3. Price eventually reaches the 'buy' price and the bracket order is sent from SC's server to the exchange.

4. The 'buy' is filled, and the OCO command now waits on SC's server.

5. Price eventually reaches the bracket's 'take profit' level and the order is sent from SC's server to the exchange.

6. The 'take profit' is filled and the command to cancel the 'stop loss' order (OCO) is now sent from SC's server to the exchange.

7. The 'stop loss' order is cancelled.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-21 03:09:39