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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 05:59:06 +0000

Post From: Data display at top of chart

[2021-06-09 19:37:17]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38222
Highlight the item you want to change, in this case it would be Chart DOM Total/Percentage Text. Then select the color box at the bottom of that window and select the color you want. Then select OK and OK again to close the window and update the color.

If it is not working, then perhaps you are actually on a Trading DOM and not the Chart DOM, in which case you need to find the entry for Trade DOM Total/Percentage Text and change that color.

Or, the issue may be that you are trying to change Chart specific settings but you still have the option for Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of these Settings enabled, or vice versa (you are trying to change Global Graphics settings but your Chart is setup to use the Chart Graphics Settings.

In general, refer to the information on this page:
Graphics Settings
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