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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 03:05:11 +0000

Post From: Depth of Market displays different numbers in DOM and Market Depth Historical Graph

[2021-06-08 14:40:46]
Tofer - Posts: 38

I have seen some differences between what I see on the DOM versus the "Show Quantity Numbers" on the Market Depth Historical Graph. Of course are not huge, however I am wondering why those differences are there. My idea is to getr rid of the DOM during my trading, and just use the Numbers Bars together with the Market Depth Historical Graph in order to have everything togetherand with easy acces to the depth of market and the historical orders.

I am attaching a screenshot with some examples. Can you help me to understand this situation? This instrument is FDAXM21-EUREX (SC Data - All Services)

Thank you
imagesierra-chart-dom-market_depth_historical.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-06-08 14:40:23 UTC - Size: 1.31 MB - 811 views