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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 02:12:33 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet trading question

[2014-03-03 23:19:05]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
In K3, =OR(S3=2, T3=2)
In L3, =R3

In P3, =AND(AA3>AG3,AA4<AG4,AG3>AC3,AG3>AE3,AG3>AI3)
In Q3, =AND(AA3>AE3,AA4<AE4,E3>AC3,AE3>AG3,AE3>AI3)
In R3, =OR(AND(AA3<AG3,AA4>AG4),AND(AA3<AI3,AA4>AI4))

In S3, =If(P3=True, 2, if(R3=True, 0, S4))
In T3, =If(AND(S3=2, Q3=True), 2, if(R3=True, 0, T4))
In U3, =If(R3=True, S4+T4, 0)

In J26, =S4+T4+U4
note: not S3+T3+U3, J26 updates before the order is placed, so need to lag a row behind

I haven't actually tried this, so I would test longs first to keep it simple, then replicate same for shorts in separate columns. Let me know if you have issues.