Support Board
Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:34:29 +0000
Post From: compiling a custom indicator for debugging
[2021-04-24 15:34:42] |
BAT - Posts: 33 |
Thanks again UnixManiac.. I tried this - but hit some snag... Assume the batch file is the VisualCCompile in SierraChart\ACS_Source directory - yes? if so, this file seems to be getting overwritten every time I try to compile locally using SierraChart->Analysis-> Build Custom Studies DLL -> Build -> Build with Visual C++ Debug.. the following is what it gets rewritten to... call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 cl /JMC /MP /analyze- /Zc:wchar_t /Z7 /Od /GS /W3 /RTC1 /Zc:inline /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "_WINDLL" /Gd /Gy /GR- /GF /fp:precise /MTd /std:c++17 /LD /EHa /WX- /diagnostics:classic /nologo "C:\SierraChart\ACS_Source\Bat_Steve_RSI_Divergence.cpp" /link "Gdi32.lib" /DLL /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:REF /MACHINE:X64 /OUT:"C:\SierraChart\Data\Bat_Steve_RSI_Divergence_64.dll" |