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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:40:28 +0000

Post From: SC Real Titme CME Feed

[2014-02-26 20:13:48]
drywater0 - Posts: 85
Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was only necessary to log into IB once a month to qualify for exchange fee waiver.

Regarding #2 in my original email, can I use the CME feed on a second copy of SC with my desktop logged into TD Ameritrade? I saw the following on the SC page for TD and I am a little confused.

Note: Futures trading and market data is not supported when using TD Ameritrade because it is not supported by the TD Ameritrade API that Sierra Chart uses to connect to the TD Ameritrade systems. However, it is possible to receive a separately provided futures data feed for CME futures. For additional information about this, refer to Sierra Chart Real-Time and Historical Futures Data Feed.

Does this mean that I could use the CME feed with TD Ameritrade to view the data, but that I would not be able to trade using SC and TD as my broker?