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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:56:04 +0000

Post From: activate data and trading

[2021-04-14 19:18:56]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38157
I've disabled data support on one computer (SQG) and it works with real-time data. On the second computer where All Services are installed, I left the data support connected. But here the data is delayed by 10 minutes. Where's the logic?

When you say "I've disabled data support", are you referring to setting the File >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings >> Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds to No?

And if that computer is connected to CQG and you are setup to get the data from CQG, then you should be getting the data from CQG in real-time.

But, we do not understand why you would get the 10 minutes delay on the other computer. Again, if Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is set to Yes, then you should be getting the real-time data to that computer. Let us know how you have your setup based on what we have stated above.

I don't know how to do the right thing. Prompt! What do I want? On one computer where there is a SQG to receive data in real time and trade. On the second use denali (I have a package of 11) to analyze the market and indicators and get real data. I only use one tool. How do you do that? Why and why am I paying money for?

We think there may be a fundamental misunderstanding here. You can use the Denali Exchange Data Feed while you are connected to CQG for trading. So you can use the Denali Exchange Data Feed for all of your needs and use it on 2 different computers at the same time.

If you want to use CQG data on one computer and the Denali Exchange Data Feed on another, that is fine too. Let us know if this is the setup you are wanting.
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