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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 10:10:10 +0000

Post From: Historical download skipped in second inctance

[2021-04-07 16:19:35]
User28315 - Posts: 10
I configured DTC Protocol Server in first SC and set Data/Trade Service Settings>>Current Selected Service to DTC Service (sub instance) in second SC.
First SC connected to rithmic. Historical download work fine.
In second SC download last 10 minutes of historical data skipped.

Message log from first SC:
Reading Internal Order ID file. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.715
Reading Trade Orders file. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.810
Reading Trade Positions file. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.811
Reading Trade Account Data files. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.811
UDPListener (1572). Port 22903 | Listening on UDP port 22903. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Software version: 2245 64-bit | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
OpenGL enabled | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Primary Thread ID: 8888 | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Usage end date: 2021-05-02 | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Enabled for: Advanced Features 2. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Current selected Data/Trading service: Rithmic Trading | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Chart Update Interval: 50 | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0 | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Time Zone: -04:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00) | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
2021-04-07 12:50:51 Local computer time in UTC | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
2021-04-07 08:50:51 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
2021-04-07 12:50:51 Server time in UTC | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 0 seconds. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
Locale Setting: C | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.841
DLLs: ChartScaler1_64.dll, ChartScaler2_64.dll, ChartScaler3_64.dll, ChartScaler_64.dll, ChartScale_64.dll, falseproboi_64.dll, kostil1_64.dll, kostil_1_64.dll, kostil_64.dll, levels5mTPO_64.dll, levels5m_64.dll, MyTradingInd1_64.dll, MyTradingIndfor5m1_64.dll, MyTradingIndfor5m_64.dll, MyTradingInd_64.dll, MyTradingInd_641.dll, MyTradingSystem1_64.dll, MyTradingSystem_64.dll, newsystem_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.843
Allowed protected custom studies: | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.843

Created the DTC Protocol server. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.844
DTC Protocol Server listening on port 11099. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.845
Created the DTC Protocol historical data server. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.845
HD Server Manager | Listening on port 11098 | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.847
Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code rithmic.trading. Request ID: 1. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.848
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.874
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.980
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 08:50:51.980
Received 5 login tokens. | 2021-04-07 08:50:52.246
Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1. | 2021-04-07 08:50:52.339
Symbol settings are up-to-date for rithmic.trading. | 2021-04-07 08:50:52.339

Rithmic Trading | Port for executable: 37446 | 2021-04-07 08:50:54.083
Listening socket (0). Port 37446 | Closed. | 2021-04-07 08:50:54.083
Rithmic Trading | Starting server: C:\SierraChart\Rim\DTCBridge.exe | 2021-04-07 08:50:54.083
Created process C:\SierraChart\Rim\DTCBridge.exe. Current folder: C:\SierraChart\Rim | 2021-04-07 08:50:54.086
Rithmic Trading | Bridge process is running. | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.081
Rithmic Trading | Connecting to the server Port 37446 | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.081
DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.082
DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.082
DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.082
Rithmic Trading | Network connection to server complete. | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.086
Rithmic Trading | Starting socket receive thread. | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.086
Rithmic Trading | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.086
Rithmic Trading | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.088
Rithmic Trading | Sending logon request message. | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.088
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Starting the connection process to data and trading service. | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.092
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Logging is enabled. Log file: C:\SierraChart\Rim\Rithmic.log | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.093
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Connecting to Rithmic Paper Trading server. | 2021-04-07 08:50:56.093
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Opened | 2021-04-07 08:50:58.107
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2021-04-07 08:50:58.317
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Trading System Connection Opened | 2021-04-07 08:50:59.272
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Trading System Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2021-04-07 08:50:59.477
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: PnL Connection Opened | 2021-04-07 08:51:00.519
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: PnL Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2021-04-07 08:51:00.740
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Intraday History Connection Opened | 2021-04-07 08:51:01.761
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Intraday History Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2021-04-07 08:51:01.968
Rithmic Trading | Received logon response. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Rithmic Trading | Server Name: SC DTC Bridge. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Rithmic Trading | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Rithmic Trading | Successfully connected. IB='DDG', Firm='DDG'. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Rithmic Trading | Trading is supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Rithmic Trading | Order cancel and replace is supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Rithmic Trading | OCO Orders supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Rithmic Trading | Connected to server complete. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.084
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.085
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.085
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.085
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.085
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.087
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.088
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.088
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.088
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Received unknown message type from DTC client. Type = 603 | 2021-04-07 08:51:02.217
DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.066
DTC client #1. (2) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.069
DTC client #1. (2) | New receive buffer size: 262144 | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.069
DTC client #1. (2) | Allocated send buffers: 32 of 131072 bytes. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.071
DTC client #1. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.071
DTC client #1. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20 | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.075
DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.075
DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: jigitmax. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=rithmic.trading|SymbolSettings=rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.075
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\levels5m.dll (levels5m_64.dll). Handle: 66000000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.156
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\MyTradingIndfor5m.dll (MyTradingIndfor5m_64.dll). Handle: 5cc0000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.169
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.222
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\ChartScaler1.dll (ChartScaler1_64.dll). Handle: 6300000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.236
ESM1-CME 2 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.336
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\falseproboi.dll (falseproboi_64.dll). Handle: 6540000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.350
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\ChartScaler.dll (ChartScaler_64.dll). Handle: 6b50000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.367
ESM1-CME 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:06.548
ESM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.037
ESM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.037
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\MyTradingInd.dll (MyTradingInd_64.dll). Handle: c990000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.103
ESM1-CME #1 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.162
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\ChartScaler2.dll (ChartScaler2_64.dll). Handle: 12a00000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.178
ESM1-CME 5000 Volume #5 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.278
ESM1-CME #6 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.387
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\ChartScaler3.dll (ChartScaler3_64.dll). Handle: d5d0000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.479
ESM1-CME 1.50 Range #7 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.532
ESM1-CME 1.50 Range #10 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.826
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: CLK1-NYMEX. ID: 1 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.933
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: CLK1-NYMEX. ID: 1 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.933
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQM1-CME. ID: 2 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.933
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: NQM1-CME. ID: 2 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.933
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMM1-CBOT. ID: 3 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.934
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: YMM1-CBOT. ID: 3 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.934
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYM1-CME. ID: 4 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.934
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: RTYM1-CME. ID: 4 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.934
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZWK1-CBOT. ID: 5 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.935
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ZWK1-CBOT. ID: 5 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.935
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZSK1-CBOT. ID: 6 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.935
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ZSK1-CBOT. ID: 6 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.935
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: NGK1-NYMEX. ID: 7 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.935
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: NGK1-NYMEX. ID: 7 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.935
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: GCM1-COMEX. ID: 8 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.936
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: GCM1-COMEX. ID: 8 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.936
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESM1-CME. ID: 9 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.936
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ESM1-CME. ID: 9 | 2021-04-07 08:51:07.936
Loading market depth data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.045
Loaded depth data records for ESM1-CME 2021-04-07 from 2021-04-07 08:13:02.000000 to 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000000. | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.092
ESM1-CME 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-23 16:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.299
Requesting market depth updates for: ESM1-CME if supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.779
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.815
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.815
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.815
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.815
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.815
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.815
Delaying start of download for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:08.823
Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\ESM1-CME.2021-04-07.depth | 2021-04-07 08:51:09.311
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:10.692
DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | Received subscribe to market depth for symbol NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.306
Requesting market depth updates for: NQM1-CME if supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.306
HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.321
HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000019 | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.322
HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.322
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.325
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.325
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.325
HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.723
HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.723
HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM21 | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.365
HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.556
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.558
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.558
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
HD Request # 1 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 1 | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Removing historical data download ID 1. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
HD Request # 2 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
HD Request # 2 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000019 | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
HD Request # 2 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.561
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.572
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.751
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 08:51:14.752
HD Request # 2 | Receiving Intraday data for ESM1-CME starting at 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.286
HD Request # 2 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 08:49:44.000000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
HD Request # 2 | Received 426 records from 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000000 to 2021-04-07 08:51:14.000000 (95.0 seconds) and wrote 406 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
HD Request # 2 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 12:51:14.000000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
HD Request # 2 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 2 | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
Removing historical data download ID 2. | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
HD Request # 2 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:15.288
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:16.222
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.927
CLK1-NYMEX 2 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.042
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.130
CLK1-NYMEX #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.166
CLK1-NYMEX #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.169
CLK1-NYMEX #1 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.261
CLK1-NYMEX 5000 Volume #5 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.371
CLK1-NYMEX #6 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.380
CLK1-NYMEX 0.06 Range #7 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.384
CLK1-NYMEX 0.06 Range #10 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.563
Loading market depth data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.930
Loaded depth data records for CLK1-NYMEX 2021-04-07 from 2021-04-07 08:14:06.000000 to 2021-04-07 08:49:40.000000. | 2021-04-07 08:51:20.990
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-23 16:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.144
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.458
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.458
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.458
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.464
HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: nymex | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.512
HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:40.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:40.000006 | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.547
HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.549
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.558
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.558
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.558
Requesting market depth updates for: CLK1-NYMEX if supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.801
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.925
HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.948
HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.948
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.993
Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\CLK1-NYMEX.2021-04-07.depth | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.036
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.556
HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK21 | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.606
HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.794
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
HD Request # 3 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 3 | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Removing historical data download ID 3. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.795
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.796
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.796

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.796
HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.796
HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:40.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:40.000006 | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.796
HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.796
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.796
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.803
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.985
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 08:51:22.985
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.256
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.300
HD Request # 4 | Receiving Intraday data for CLK1-NYMEX starting at 2021-04-07 08:49:40.000000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.417
HD Request # 4 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 08:49:42.000000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
HD Request # 4 | Received 784 records from 2021-04-07 08:49:40.000000 to 2021-04-07 08:51:22.000011 (102.0 seconds) and wrote 777 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
HD Request # 4 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 12:51:22.000011 | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 4 | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
Removing historical data download ID 4. | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.419
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.757
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.808
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:25.840
ESM1-CME 2 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:25.843
ESM1-CME 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:25.851
ESM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:25.855
ESM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:25.858
ESM1-CME #1 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.043
ESM1-CME 5000 Volume #5 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.047
ESM1-CME #6 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.052
ESM1-CME 1.50 Range #7 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.056
ESM1-CME 1.50 Range #10 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.062
Loading market depth data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.287
Loaded depth data records for ESM1-CME 2021-04-07 from 2021-04-07 08:13:02.000000 to 2021-04-07 08:51:20.000000. | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.348
ESM1-CME 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-23 16:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.647
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 08:51:26.936
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:28.337
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 08:51:31.781
ESM1-CME 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-24 10:24:22 | 2021-04-07 10:24:22.786
ESM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 10:24:22.818
Saved Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht. Time: 0.0143 seconds. | 2021-04-07 10:25:15.072
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:29.533
CLK1-NYMEX 2 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:29.674
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:29.685
CLK1-NYMEX #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:29.809
CLK1-NYMEX #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 10:31:29.810
CLK1-NYMEX #1 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:29.874
CLK1-NYMEX 5000 Volume #5 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:29.883
CLK1-NYMEX #6 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:30.185
CLK1-NYMEX 0.06 Range #7 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:30.189
CLK1-NYMEX 0.06 Range #10 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:30.333
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-24 10:31:29 | 2021-04-07 10:31:30.649
Loading market depth data. | 2021-04-07 10:31:30.707
Loaded depth data records for CLK1-NYMEX 2021-04-07 from 2021-04-07 08:14:06.000000 to 2021-04-07 10:31:26.000000. | 2021-04-07 10:31:31.361
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 10:31:31.517
CLK1-NYMEX 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 10:31:32.525
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:42.544
ESM1-CME 2 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:42.548
ESM1-CME 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:42.608
ESM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:42.887
ESM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 10:31:42.929
ESM1-CME #1 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:42.938
ESM1-CME 5000 Volume #5 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:43.120
ESM1-CME #6 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:43.127
ESM1-CME 1.50 Range #7 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:43.174
ESM1-CME 1.50 Range #10 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:31:43.284
Loading market depth data. | 2021-04-07 10:31:44.062
ESM1-CME 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-24 10:31:43 | 2021-04-07 10:31:44.261
Loaded depth data records for ESM1-CME 2021-04-07 from 2021-04-07 08:13:02.000000 to 2021-04-07 10:31:41.000000. | 2021-04-07 10:31:44.578
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 10:31:46.764
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 10:31:51.552
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Broken | 2021-04-07 11:21:26.868
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Opened | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.749
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.961
Rithmic Trading | Market data feed reported to be restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.961
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.962
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.962
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.962
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.962
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.962
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.964
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.964
HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: nymex | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.964
HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.964
HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.023
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.183
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.183
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.183
HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.589
HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.589
HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK21 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.235
HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.475
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.478
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.479
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.479
HD Request # 5 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 2s | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 5 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
Removing historical data download ID 5. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
HD Request # 6 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
HD Request # 6 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
HD Request # 6 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.480
HD Request # 7 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.481
HD Request # 7 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000029 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.482
HD Request # 7 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.482
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.495
Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.495
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.495
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.525
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.679
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.679
HD Request # 7 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.895
HD Request # 7 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.895
HD Request # 6 | Receiving Intraday data for CLK1-NYMEX starting at 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.925
HD Request # 6 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 11:21:11.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.927
HD Request # 6 | Received 94 records from 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000 to 2021-04-07 11:21:30.000004 (20.0 seconds) and wrote 87 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.927
HD Request # 6 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 15:21:30.000004 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.928
HD Request # 6 | Completion time: 0s | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.928
HD Request # 6 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 7 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.928
Removing historical data download ID 7. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.928
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.928
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.929
HD Request # 6 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.929

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.929
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.929
HD Request # 7 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM21 | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.540
HD Request # 7 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.744
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.752
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.752
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.752
HD Request # 7 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.752
HD Request # 7 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.752
HD Request # 7 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 6 | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.752
Removing historical data download ID 6. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
HD Request # 7 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
HD Request # 8 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.753
HD Request # 8 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000029 | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.754
HD Request # 8 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.754
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.754
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.760
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.933
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.943
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.943
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.991
HD Request # 8 | Receiving Intraday data for ESM1-CME starting at 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.175
HD Request # 8 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 11:21:11.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.176
HD Request # 8 | Received 408 records from 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000 to 2021-04-07 11:21:34.000000 (24.0 seconds) and wrote 378 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.176
HD Request # 8 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 15:21:34.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.176
HD Request # 8 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177
HD Request # 8 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 8 | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177
Removing historical data download ID 8. | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177
HD Request # 8 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.177
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.251
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.485
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:21:35.496
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 11:21:40.254
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Broken | 2021-04-07 11:29:50.232
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Opened | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.503
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Rithmic Trading | Market data feed reported to be restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.707
HD Request # 9 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: nymex | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.708
HD Request # 9 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000006 | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.708
HD Request # 9 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.709
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.710
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.710
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.710
HD Request # 9 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.117
HD Request # 9 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.117
HD Request # 9 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK21 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.764
HD Request # 9 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.956
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
HD Request # 9 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
HD Request # 9 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
HD Request # 9 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 9 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Removing historical data download ID 9. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
HD Request # 9 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.958
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.959

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.959
HD Request # 10 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.959
HD Request # 10 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000006 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.959
HD Request # 10 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.959
HD Request # 11 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.959
HD Request # 11 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000015 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.959
HD Request # 11 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.960
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.961
Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.961
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.961
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.965
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:29:53.152
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:29:53.152
HD Request # 11 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:29:53.369
HD Request # 11 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:29:53.369
HD Request # 11 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM21 | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.018
HD Request # 11 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.280
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.289
Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.293
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.340
HD Request # 11 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
HD Request # 11 | Completion time: 2s | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
HD Request # 11 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 10 | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Removing historical data download ID 10. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
HD Request # 11 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.341
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.494
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.494
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.584
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:29:54.604
HD Request # 10 | Receiving Intraday data for CLK1-NYMEX starting at 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.669
HD Request # 10 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 11:28:37.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.672
HD Request # 10 | Received 3223 records from 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000 to 2021-04-07 11:29:53.000015 (77.0 seconds) and wrote 3216 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.672
HD Request # 10 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 15:29:53.000015 | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.672
Added 290 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for CLK1-NYMEX after download. | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.672
HD Request # 10 | Completion time: 8s | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
HD Request # 10 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 11 | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
Removing historical data download ID 11. | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
HD Request # 10 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
HD Request # 12 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
HD Request # 12 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000015 | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
HD Request # 12 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.673
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 11:30:00.676
HD Request # 12 | Receiving Intraday data for ESM1-CME starting at 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.498
HD Request # 12 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 11:28:37.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.499
HD Request # 12 | Received 1575 records from 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000 to 2021-04-07 11:30:00.000180 (84.0 seconds) and wrote 1559 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
HD Request # 12 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 15:30:00.000180 | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
HD Request # 12 | Completion time: 2s | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
HD Request # 12 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 12 | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
Removing historical data download ID 12. | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
HD Request # 12 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.500
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.779
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:30:02.794
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 11:30:03.774
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 11:30:03.775
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Broken | 2021-04-07 11:30:59.621
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Opened | 2021-04-07 11:31:00.904
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Server Alert: Market Data Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.112
Rithmic Trading | Market data feed reported to be restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.112
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
HD Request # 13 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: nymex | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
HD Request # 13 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:43.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:43.000007 | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
HD Request # 13 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.113
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.114
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.114
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.114
HD Request # 13 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.504
HD Request # 13 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.504
HD Request # 13 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:43. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK21 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.149
HD Request # 13 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.345
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.349
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.351
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.372
HD Request # 13 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
HD Request # 13 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
HD Request # 13 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 13 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
Removing historical data download ID 13. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
HD Request # 13 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
Added historical Intraday data request for CLK1-NYMEX to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
Intraday data recording state for symbol CLK1-NYMEX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
HD Request # 14 | Downloading Intraday chart data for CLK1-NYMEX to the file CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.378
HD Request # 14 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:43.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:43.000007 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.379
HD Request # 14 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:43. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.379
HD Request # 15 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.379
HD Request # 15 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000020 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.379
HD Request # 15 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.379
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.380
Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.381
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.381
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.428
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.540
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.540
HD Request # 15 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.793
HD Request # 15 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.793
HD Request # 14 | Receiving Intraday data for CLK1-NYMEX starting at 2021-04-07 11:30:43.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.056
HD Request # 14 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 11:30:45.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.057
HD Request # 14 | Received 323 records from 2021-04-07 11:30:43.000000 to 2021-04-07 11:31:02.000003 (19.0 seconds) and wrote 315 records for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.057
HD Request # 14 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 15:31:02.000003 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058
HD Request # 14 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058
HD Request # 14 | Intraday data download complete for CLK1-NYMEX. Unique request ID: 15 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058
Removing historical data download ID 15. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058
Intraday chart data file opened for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058
HD Request # 14 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.058
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.061
HD Request # 15 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM21 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.453
HD Request # 15 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.698
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.700
Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.700
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.700
HD Request # 15 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.700
HD Request # 15 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.700
HD Request # 15 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 14 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Removing historical data download ID 14. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
HD Request # 15 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Added historical Intraday data request for ESM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
HD Request # 16 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESM1-CME to the file ESM1-CME.scid. Service: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
HD Request # 16 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000020 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
HD Request # 16 | Sending historical data request. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.701
Rithmic Trading | Message from server: Requesting historical Tick data. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.709
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.787
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.794
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\CLK1-NYMEX.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.873
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.892
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.892
HD Request # 16 | Receiving Intraday data for ESM1-CME starting at 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.311
HD Request # 16 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-04-07 11:30:43.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.366
HD Request # 16 | Received 487 records from 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000000 to 2021-04-07 11:31:03.000000 (21.0 seconds) and wrote 466 records for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.366
HD Request # 16 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-04-07 15:31:03.000000 | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.366
Added 11 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESM1-CME after download. | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.366
HD Request # 16 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367
HD Request # 16 | Intraday data download complete for ESM1-CME. Unique request ID: 16 | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367
Removing historical data download ID 16. | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367
Intraday chart data file opened for ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367
HD Request # 16 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.367
Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.773
ESM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: Chartbook3.cht | 2021-04-07 11:31:04.800
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 6820 | 2021-04-07 11:31:08.876
DTC client #1. (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.165
DTC client #1. (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.165
DTC client #1. (2) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 11 | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.165
DTC client #1. (2) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 80830 | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.165
Deleting individual DTC server: DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.166
DTC client #1. (2) | Graceful close received or receive error. Shutdown complete. Closing socket now. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.167
DTC client #1. (2) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.167
DTC server: DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. successfully deleted. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.170
DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.452
DTC client #2. (2) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.457
DTC client #2. (2) | New receive buffer size: 262144 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.457
DTC client #2. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.457
DTC client #2. (2) | Allocated send buffers: 31 of 131072 bytes. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.461
DTC client #2. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.464
DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.464
DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: jigitmax. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=rithmic.trading|SymbolSettings=rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.464
DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Received subscribe to market depth for symbol NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.536

Message log from second SC:
Reading Internal Order ID file. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.148
Reading Trade Orders file. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.275
Reading Trade Positions file. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.275
Reading Trade Account Data files. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.276
UDPListener (1544). Port 22903 | Error binding to UDP port: 22903. Windows error code 10048: Обычно разрешается только одно использование адреса сокета (протокол/сетевой адрес/порт). | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Software version: 2245 64-bit | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
OpenGL enabled | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Primary Thread ID: 7884 | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Usage end date: 2021-05-02 | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Enabled for: Advanced Features 2. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Current selected Data/Trading service: DTC - Sub Instance | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Chart Update Interval: 50 | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0 | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Time Zone: -04:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00) | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
2021-04-07 12:50:53 Local computer time in UTC | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
2021-04-07 08:50:53 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
2021-04-07 12:50:53 Server time in UTC | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 1 seconds. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Program path: C:\SierraChart1\ | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart1\Data\ | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Locale Setting: C | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
DLLs: ChartScaler1_64.dll, ChartScaler2_64.dll, ChartScaler3_64.dll, ChartScaler_64.dll, ChartScale_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303
Allowed protected custom studies: | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.303

HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.330
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.433
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.433
Received 5 login tokens. | 2021-04-07 08:50:53.700

DTC - Sub Instance | Connecting to the server Port 11099 | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.062
DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.063
DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.063
DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.063
DTC - Sub Instance | Network connection to server complete. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.069
DTC - Sub Instance | Starting socket receive thread. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.069
DTC - Sub Instance | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.069
DTC - Sub Instance | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.073
DTC - Sub Instance | Sending logon request message. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.073
DTC - Sub Instance | Received logon response. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | Server Name: SC DTC Server. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=rithmic.trading|SymbolSettings=rithmic.trading. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | Trading is supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | Order cancel and replace is supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | OCO Orders supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | Bracket Orders supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
DTC - Sub Instance | Connected to server complete. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.077
Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code rithmic.trading. Request ID: 1. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.082
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.082
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.082
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.082
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.082
Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.565
Symbol settings are up-to-date for rithmic.trading. | 2021-04-07 08:51:03.565
Error loading: C:\SierraChart1\Data\MyTradingIndfor5m1.dll. May be missing SCDLLName line. | 2021-04-07 08:51:09.967
NQM1-CME 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:10.030
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart1\Data\ChartScaler1.dll (ChartScaler1_64.dll). Handle: 66000000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:10.042
NQM1-CME 2 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:10.423
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart1\Data\ChartScaler.dll (ChartScaler_64.dll). Handle: 6140000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:10.443
NQM1-CME 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:10.642
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.045
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.046
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart1\Data\ChartScaler2.dll (ChartScaler2_64.dll). Handle: 6b90000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.094
NQM1-CME 500 Volume #5 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.157
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart1\Data\ChartScaler3.dll (ChartScaler3_64.dll). Handle: c890000 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.174
NQM1-CME 25 Volume #7 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.260
NQM1-CME 4.00 Range #10 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.380
Loading market depth data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.434
NQM1-CME #1 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.457
Loaded depth data records for NQM1-CME 2021-04-07 from 2021-04-07 08:13:05.000000 to 2021-04-07 08:49:38.731424. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.478
NQM1-CME #6 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.640
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: CLK1-NYMEX. ID: 1 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.674
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: CLK1-NYMEX. ID: 1 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.674
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQM1-CME. ID: 2 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.675
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: NQM1-CME. ID: 2 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.675
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMM1-CBOT. ID: 3 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.675
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: YMM1-CBOT. ID: 3 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.675
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYM1-CME. ID: 4 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.675
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: RTYM1-CME. ID: 4 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.675
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZWK1-CBOT. ID: 5 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ZWK1-CBOT. ID: 5 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZSK1-CBOT. ID: 6 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ZSK1-CBOT. ID: 6 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: NGK1-NYMEX. ID: 7 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: NGK1-NYMEX. ID: 7 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: GCM1-COMEX. ID: 8 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: GCM1-COMEX. ID: 8 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESM1-CME. ID: 9 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ESM1-CME. ID: 9 | 2021-04-07 08:51:11.676
NQM1-CME 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-23 16:00:00 | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.027
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol YMM1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol RTYM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZWK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZSK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NGK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol GCM1-COMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.523
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.767
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.767
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.767
Added historical Intraday data request for NQM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.767
Intraday data recording state for symbol NQM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.767
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.767
Delaying start of download for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:12.817
Requesting market depth updates for: NQM1-CME if supported. | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.248
Rithmic Trading | Clearing market depth for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.458
Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart1\Data\MarketDepthData\NQM1-CME.2021-04-07.depth | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.458
Rithmic Trading | Clearing market depth for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:13.459
HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQM1-CME to the file NQM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 08:51:17.778
HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39.000001 | 2021-04-07 08:51:17.779
HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-04-07 08:51:17.779
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 08:51:17.781
Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 08:51:17.781
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 08:51:17.781
HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 08:51:18.178
HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 08:51:18.178
HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 08:49:39. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQM21 | 2021-04-07 08:51:18.828
HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.039
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
HD Request # 1 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 2s | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for NQM1-CME. Unique request ID: 1 | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Removing historical data download ID 1. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Intraday chart data file opened for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Historical data service client indicated that downloads are not enabled. Symbol: NQM1-CME. Data Type: Intraday data | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Historical data download ID 2 not found when removing ID from outstanding request set. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
HD Request # 1 | Download from primary service not started due to error. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.041
Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.042
Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.232
Socket (2) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 08:51:19.232
Rithmic Trading | Clearing market depth for CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 08:51:21.804
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart1\Data\NQM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 9132 | 2021-04-07 08:51:23.356
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:27:31.073
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:27:31.074
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:30:07.170
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:30:07.170
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:34:14.743
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:34:14.744
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:34:18.779
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:34:18.780
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:34:25.616
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:34:25.617
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:34:35.760
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:34:35.761
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:34:51.957
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:34:51.957
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:35:12.314
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:35:12.314
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:35:42.337
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:35:42.338
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:35:48.116
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:35:48.116
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:36:05.254
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:36:05.254
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:36:09.196
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:36:09.197
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:38:15.177
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:38:15.178
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:38:35.247
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:38:35.247
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:38:49.917
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:38:49.918
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:39:51.511
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:39:51.511
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:40:33.726
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:40:33.727
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:41:00.092
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:41:00.093
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:41:37.830
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:41:37.830
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:42:02.169
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:42:02.170
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:42:19.641
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:42:19.642
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:43:12.905
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:43:12.905
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:43:19.407
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:43:19.407
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:44:08.802
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:44:08.802
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:44:32.774
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:44:32.775
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:45:07.633
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:45:07.634
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:45:29.991
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:45:29.992
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:46:01.308
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:46:01.309
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:46:22.513
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:46:22.514
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:46:23.205
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:46:23.205
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:55:19.090
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:55:19.091
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:55:19.486
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:55:19.487
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:58:51.962
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:58:51.963
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:58:52.696
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:58:52.697
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 09:58:52.980
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 09:58:52.981
NQM1-CME #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-04-07 10:07:41.804
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 10:07:41.804
NQM1-CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-04-07 10:24:11.174
NQM1-CME 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2021-03-24 10:24:10 | 2021-04-07 10:24:11.215
Saved Chartbook: Chartbook_secondscreen.cht. Time: 0.0144 seconds. | 2021-04-07 10:25:09.511
Saved Chartbook: Chartbook_secondscreen.cht. Time: 0.0113 seconds. | 2021-04-07 10:25:32.779
Rithmic Trading | Market data feed reported to be restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.965
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.966
Added historical Intraday data request for NQM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.966
Intraday data recording state for symbol NQM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.966
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.966
HD Request # 2 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQM1-CME to the file NQM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.966
HD Request # 2 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10.000003 | 2021-04-07 11:21:31.966
HD Request # 2 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.026
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.039
Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.041
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.041
Rithmic Trading | Clearing market depth for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol CLK1-NYMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol NQM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol YMM1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol RTYM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ZWK1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ZSK1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol NGK1-NYMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol GCM1-COMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ESM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol YMM1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol RTYM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZWK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZSK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NGK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol GCM1-COMEX | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.222
HD Request # 2 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.476
HD Request # 2 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:21:32.476
HD Request # 2 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:21:10. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQM21 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.124
HD Request # 2 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.320
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.323
Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.324
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.331
HD Request # 2 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.331
HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 2s | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.333
HD Request # 2 | Intraday data download complete for NQM1-CME. Unique request ID: 3 | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.333
Removing historical data download ID 3. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.333
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.333
Intraday chart data file opened for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.333
HD Request # 2 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.333
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.334
Historical data service client indicated that downloads are not enabled. Symbol: NQM1-CME. Data Type: Intraday data | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.334
Historical data download ID 4 not found when removing ID from outstanding request set. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.334
HD Request # 2 | Download from primary service not started due to error. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.334

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.334
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:21:33.334
Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.016
Socket (2) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.016
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart1\Data\NQM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 9132 | 2021-04-07 11:21:34.638
Rithmic Trading | Market data feed reported to be restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.713
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.713
Added historical Intraday data request for NQM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.714
Intraday data recording state for symbol NQM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.714
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.714
HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQM1-CME to the file NQM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.716
HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36.000019 | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.717
HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.718
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.720
Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.720
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.720
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol CLK1-NYMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.946
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol NQM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol YMM1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol RTYM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Clearing market depth for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ZWK1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ZSK1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol NGK1-NYMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol GCM1-COMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ESM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol YMM1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol RTYM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZWK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZSK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NGK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol GCM1-COMEX | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:51.948
HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.128
HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.128
HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:28:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQM21 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.777
HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.976
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.979
Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.979
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
HD Request # 3 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for NQM1-CME. Unique request ID: 5 | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
Removing historical data download ID 5. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
Intraday chart data file opened for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
Historical data service client indicated that downloads are not enabled. Symbol: NQM1-CME. Data Type: Intraday data | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.982
Historical data download ID 6 not found when removing ID from outstanding request set. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.983
HD Request # 3 | Download from primary service not started due to error. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.983

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.983
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:29:52.983
Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:29:53.197
Socket (2) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:29:53.197
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart1\Data\NQM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 9132 | 2021-04-07 11:29:53.468
Rithmic Trading | Market data feed reported to be restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
Added historical Intraday data request for NQM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
Intraday data recording state for symbol NQM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQM1-CME to the file NQM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42.000012 | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
HD Request # 4 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.119
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.120
Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.120
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.120
Rithmic Trading | Clearing market depth for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.359
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol CLK1-NYMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol NQM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol YMM1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol RTYM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ZWK1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ZSK1-CBOT has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol NGK1-NYMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol GCM1-COMEX has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Real-time data for symbol ESM1-CME has been restored. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.361
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol YMM1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol RTYM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZWK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZSK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NGK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol GCM1-COMEX | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.362
HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.522
HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 11:31:01.522
HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 11:30:42. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQM21 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.174
HD Request # 4 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.369
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.371
Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.371
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.376
HD Request # 4 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.376
HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for NQM1-CME. Unique request ID: 7 | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
Removing historical data download ID 7. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
Intraday chart data file opened for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
Historical data service client indicated that downloads are not enabled. Symbol: NQM1-CME. Data Type: Intraday data | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
Historical data download ID 8 not found when removing ID from outstanding request set. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
HD Request # 4 | Download from primary service not started due to error. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.377
Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.995
Socket (2) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 11:31:02.995
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart1\Data\NQM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 9132 | 2021-04-07 11:31:03.586
File >> Disconnect selected. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.156
Rithmic Trading | Waiting for socket receive thread to end | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.162
DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.164
DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3 | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.164
DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 847 | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.164
DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.165
DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.167
DTC Client socket (1) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.167
Rithmic Trading | Disconnected. | 2021-04-07 12:07:34.172

Rithmic Trading | Connecting to the server Port 11099 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.448
DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.448
DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.448
DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.448
Rithmic Trading | Network connection to server complete. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.453
Rithmic Trading | Starting socket receive thread. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.453
Rithmic Trading | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.453
Rithmic Trading | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.460
Rithmic Trading | Sending logon request message. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.460
Rithmic Trading | Received logon response. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | Server Name: SC DTC Server. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=rithmic.trading|SymbolSettings=rithmic.trading. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | Trading is supported. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | Order cancel and replace is supported. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | OCO Orders supported. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | Bracket Orders supported. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Rithmic Trading | Connected to server complete. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.468
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.482
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.482
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.482
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.482
Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code rithmic.trading. Request ID: 2. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.491
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.492
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.492
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.492
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.492
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQM1-CME. ID: 1 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.492
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: NQM1-CME. ID: 1 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.492
Starting first historical Intraday data download. When complete another download will be done from the primary service. Symbol: NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.492
Added historical Intraday data request for NQM1-CME to the queue. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.493
Intraday data recording state for symbol NQM1-CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.493
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.493
Delaying start of download for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.497
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.500
Requesting market depth updates for: NQM1-CME if supported. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.533
Rithmic Trading | Clearing market depth for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.541
Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart1\Data\MarketDepthData\NQM1-CME.2021-04-07.depth | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.544
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: CLK1-NYMEX. ID: 2 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: CLK1-NYMEX. ID: 2 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMM1-CBOT. ID: 3 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: YMM1-CBOT. ID: 3 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYM1-CME. ID: 4 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: RTYM1-CME. ID: 4 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZWK1-CBOT. ID: 5 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ZWK1-CBOT. ID: 5 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ZSK1-CBOT. ID: 6 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ZSK1-CBOT. ID: 6 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: NGK1-NYMEX. ID: 7 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: NGK1-NYMEX. ID: 7 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: GCM1-COMEX. ID: 8 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: GCM1-COMEX. ID: 8 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESM1-CME. ID: 9 Service code: rithmic.trading | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Requesting security definition data for: ESM1-CME. ID: 9 | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.584
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol CLK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.594
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol YMM1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.594
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol RTYM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.594
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZWK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.673
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ZSK1-CBOT | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.673
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol NGK1-NYMEX | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.673
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol GCM1-COMEX | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.673
Rithmic Trading | Received security definition for symbol ESM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.673
Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 2. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.966
Symbol settings are up-to-date for rithmic.trading. | 2021-04-07 12:07:36.966
HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQM1-CME to the file NQM1-CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.327
HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2021-04-07 12:07:33.000000. File last date-time: 2021-04-07 12:07:33.000001 | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.328
HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.328
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.331
Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.331
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.331
HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.714
HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-04-07 12:07:41.714
HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-04-07 12:07:33. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQM21 | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.352
HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.539
Socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.542
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.542
HD Request # 5 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.542
Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.542
HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for NQM1-CME. Unique request ID: 9 | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
Removing historical data download ID 9. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
Intraday chart data file opened for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
Rithmic Trading | Using primary service for historical data for NQM1-CME | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
Historical data service client indicated that downloads are not enabled. Symbol: NQM1-CME. Data Type: Intraday data | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
Historical data download ID 10 not found when removing ID from outstanding request set. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
HD Request # 5 | Download from primary service not started due to error. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.543
Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.735
Socket (2) | Closed. | 2021-04-07 12:07:42.735
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart1\Data\NQM1-CME.scid. Thread ID: 9132 | 2021-04-07 12:07:47.186